It's a two edged sword, really. With any change of assignment there are people and places left behind. Having only spent one year at St. Francis and All Saints, I hate to leave what are two wonderful parishes. In a very short time I came to feel at home here. That being said, being assigned to St. Martin's represents a sort of coming-full-circle for me. St. Martin's is the parish I attended for several years before entering seminary; it's the parish where I celebrated my first Mass; it's the parish I've assisted with the Extraordinary Form for many years. I know many wonderful people there. I'm excited to be able to return in a new role.
St. Martin's is known for many things, among them: perpetual Eucharistic adoration, a strong emphasis on the celebration of the liturgy in both the Ordinary and Extraordinary Forms, a great sacred music program, social outreach programs, and others. I'm excited to have the opportunity to be involved in all these parts of parish life.
So as these next couple months go by, I'll be enjoying the rest of my time in my current assignment while preparing for yet another move. Good thing I never got around to throwing out all those boxes I used last year to move home from Washington...
St. Martin of Tours:

Celebrating the Extraordinary Form at St. Martin's, October 2011:

1 comment:
Pater Paulus,
I stumbled across your blog while looking for information about the recent studies done on the two saints housed at St. Martin's. Up until the time I moved away for grad school last summer, I was a parishioner at St. Martin and attended several of your Masses.
I was extremely sad to hear that Fr. Klotter is being transferred away - a real asset to his new parish, and a real loss to St. Martin's. He married my wife and I last August and I will always cherish the day, in no small part because of him. I wondered who would fill his large and happy footsteps after the transfer. I was overjoyed to read that you would be taking over on your blog! St. Martin's is a fantastic parish with a wonderful congregation and such a rich faith life. I'm sure you'll carry on the tradition.
Incidentally, I think one of the photos you've got on the post announcing your transfer is actually from our wedding day. The photographer did a wonderful job.
Great news for St. Martin's. I'm sure leaving your current parishes will be bittersweet, but I know the congregation at SMT will welcome you with open arms.
All best,
Michael Skaggs
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