It was a "bucket list" item: to attend a game at Fenway. Check that one off the list. This past weekend I took the chance to hop on an Amtrak train and head up to Boston with some good friends here at the house: Br. Jim and Fr. John. Br. Jim is a Capuchin who was assigned in Boston before returning to the university to obtain his doctorate in canon law. He has connections... in particular, a source for Red Sox tickets and a place to stay in Boston. Br. Jim knows EVERYBODY up there, including Cardinal O'Malley, the archbishop of Boston, who we had dinner with on Saturday night. Oh yeah, and the Sam Adams brewery is a block and a half away. This was a great weekend.
Skyline of New York: A Random Train Shot: On the Train w/ Br. Jim: Fenway: Chowder Vendor ("Chowda Venda") in the Stands: Old Seats of Fenway: The Guys Before the Game (Fr. Charles, Br. Jim, Fr. John): Yawkey Way Outside the Park: Sam Adams Brewery Tour:
Ultramontanism is a religious philosophy within the Catholic Church that places strong emphasis on the prerogatives and powers of the pope. In particular, ultramontanism asserts the superiority of Papal authority over the authority of local temporal power.
The term originates in ecclesiastical language from the Middle Ages and means literally "beyond the mountains" (referring to the Alps).
The word was revived after the Protestant Reformation in France. In France, the name "ultramontain" was applied to people who supported papal authority in French political affairs. "The man beyond the mountains" referred to the pope, located in Italy.
Those of an Ultramontanist philosophy take comfort in the retention of doctrinal and disciplinary supremacy by the Roman Pontiff and the Roman Curia which serves and represents him.
Liturgy of the Hours Online
Citta' Del Vaticano
Website for Vatican City State Including Many Interesting Webcams Scattered Around St. Peter's
Pope Benedict XVI
Archbishop Kurtz
TV Immacolata
Streaming TV from the Franciscans of the Immaculate
St. Raymond of Peñafort - Patron Saint of Canon Lawyers
1 comment:
It was good to meet you, Father. Prayerful best wishes for a fruitful Holy Week and a blessed Easter!
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